HomeQuotes makeBest 45 positive quotes never give up

Best 45 positive quotes never give up

positive quotes never give up

  1. Your triumph is imminent. Persevere. Nicki Minaj
  2. Many failures in life occur because individuals were unaware of how close they were to success before they decided to quit. Thomas Edison
  3. “Winners never give up; quitters never succeed.” ― Roy T. Bennett
  4. Remember to read these motivating finish strong quotes to assist you in persevering.
  5. “It appears unachievable until it is accomplished.” ―Nelson Mandela
  6. “Our success lies in our perseverance and refusal to surrender.” — Wilma Mankiller
  7. “Persist, as that is precisely the moment when the situation will change in your favor.” ―Harriet Beecher Stowe
  8. Persistence in pursuing one’s deeply held beliefs will lead to finding a solution. ― Roy T. Bennett.
  9. “I am not exceptionally intelligent; I simply persist with problems for a longer duration.”Albert Einstein
  10. Your dreams cannot be destroyed by anyone unless you allow them to. ― Maeve Greyson
    positive quotes never give up
    positive quotes never give up

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  11. “Failure is simply a chance to start over, but this time with more wisdom.” Henry.
  12. One should always retain their inner self. Clint Eastwood.
  13. “Persist in the pursuit of your art. Sacrifice for your craft. However, you must never abandon your creativity! ― Avijeet Das
  14. “Always maintain your aspiration to become who you wish to be.” Remain concentrated, determined, and unwavering. Debasish Mridha MD.
  15. You can always start anew, regardless of how difficult your history has been.
  16. In pursuit of your dreams, every risk is justified. Joel Brown
  17. Stay resilient, improvements are on the way. Although there may be a storm now, precipitation is not perpetual.
  18. If someone has the ability to overpower you, demonstrate your resilience by showing that you have the strength to rise again.
  19. It is acceptable to face challenges, but it is never acceptable to abandon yourself. John Zickefoose
  20. When facing difficulties, continue moving forward. Winston Churchill
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    positive quotes never give up

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    positive quotes never give up

  21. Success is the outcome of overcoming all your mistakes. Anora Lee
  22. If you have a dream, take action. Summon the bravery to have faith in your ability to achieve success and exhaust all efforts to convert it into a reality. ― Roopleen
  23. Successful individuals continue to progress. They err, yet they persevere. Conrad Hilton
  24. Looking past grief allows us to empathize with others and experience love on a profound level. Jason Garner
  25. The globe is a vast training ground where we develop our strength.
  26. My top recommendation for anybody experiencing a difficult situation is to always be willing to seek assistance without hesitation. Demi Lovato
  27. Anxiety is completely unproductive. It has no effect. It only robs you of happiness and keeps you occupied with unproductive tasks. Lionel Willard
  28. I am grateful to those who refused me. It’s their influence that motivates me to take action independently. Albert Einstein
  29. Stay resilient and maintain a positive attitude to leave others curious about your unwavering smile.
  30. Do not presume that you are bound by the current circumstances. You can change as life changes.
  31. I have faith in the idea that tomorrow offers new opportunities and I have faith in the occurrence of miracles. Audrey Hepburn
  32. When faced with challenges, persevere by taking one step at a time and continuing forward. Persevere. ― Roy T. Bennett
    positive quotes never give up
    positive quotes never give up

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  33. Miracles occur when you persist despite the want to quit. The cosmos is constantly drawn to a resolute heart.
  34. Winners persist without giving up, whereas those who quit never achieve victory. — Vince Lombardi
  35. Success belongs to those who persevere through adversity and rise each time they fall
  36. When the world advocates surrender, Hope encourages perseverance.
  37. Persevere despite encountering a setback in life. Continue moving forward; your narrative is not yet concluded.
  38. The absence of an event occurring thus far does not guarantee that it will not occur in the future.
  39. Numerous failures in life occur when individuals are unaware of how close they are to achievement before they quit. Thomas Edison
  40. When you are tempted to quit, recall the reasons that motivated you to persevere initially.
  41. To overcome frustration, one must maintain a strong focus on the end goal rather than the challenges. — T.F. Hodge
  42. Abandoning your dreams equates to abandoning yourself.
  43. One day you will appreciate yourself for persevering without giving up.


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