HomeFun Quotes45 Funny quotes depression& jocks for Instagram

45 Funny quotes depression& jocks for Instagram

Funny quotes depression

  1. Too much time to contemplate causes depression. Minds generate imaginary issues.
  2. According to my therapist, finishing what I start is the key to inner serenity. I ate two bags of chips and a chocolate cake today. I feel better.
  3. I told my psychiatrist that everyone hated me. He called me ridiculous—everyone hasn’t met me.
  4. Depressed people live in the past. To be worried is to live in the future. Peaceful people live in the moment.
  5. Going mad is sometimes the proper response to reality.
  6. I understand people’s suffering, but not their joy. Someone else’s happiness is rather dull.
  7. I like gibberish to stimulate brain cells. Fantasy is essential to life. Life is viewed through a telescope’s incorrect end. What I do lets you chuckle at life’s reality.
  8. Do you know why you’re always sad? You count anxieties, not blessings! Everyone worries and prays, but not everyone is depressed.

funny quotes depression

  1. ‘No’ prevents teen pregnancy, while ‘Have a great day!’ relieves chronic depression.
  2. Freud: Your mother, if nothing else.
  3. My wife thinks she’s leaving me due to my antidepressant addiction. I thought that was fantastic; I wouldn’t need them anymore.

    funny quotes depression
    funny quotes depression
  4. Anyone seeing a psychiatrist should get a head checkup.
  5. How many psychologists does changing a light bulb require? Nine visits for one.
  6. Long periods of dreadful sanity drove me up the wall.
  7. Funerals and depression draw people to church.
  8. We create our despair alone. Nobody gave it to us. We can disassemble it, too.
  9. Unexpectedly, some people embrace their depression.
  10. I think only idiots are always happy. It would help if you experienced brief depression.
  11. Depression is a natural response to loss, which can be viewed as a learning experience or a sickness.
  12. The world is your oyster unless you use the incorrect fork.
  13. Yesterday in the supermarket, I saw “Anxiety and Depression for Dummies.” I am not sure if calling a mental health patient a “dummy” is appropriate.
  14. I manufacture rope. I was working for a depression helpline.

funny quotes depression

  1. When Rice Krispies ignores you, you’re having a horrible day.
  2. The worst part of a photographic memory is storing negatives.
  3. If you Google “depression jokes,” you get pictures of bladed limbs and placards asking, “Is your joke still funny?” Would someone kindly give those people axes? They’ll probably mess that up too.
  4. “I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you’re not alone.” Johnson
  5. “You say you’re ‘depressed’— I see resilience. You can feel broken inside and out. Just being human doesn’t imply you’re defective.” David Mickel
  6. “A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.” -Unknown
  7. “While less dramatic than physical pain, mental pain is more common and harder to bear. It’s simpler to say, ‘My tooth is aching’ than, ‘My heart is broken.’ C.S. Lewis, The Pain Problem

    funny quotes depression
    funny quotes depression
  8. “My first experience with depression was helpless, forlorn, and new. I lost myself and my will to live.” Ginger Zed
  9. “A depressed person can survive practically anything if she sees the end. Depression is so insidious and compounds daily that it’s impossible to see the end.” Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation
  10. Left Depression. My right loneliness. There is no need to show me badges. I know these guys well.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert.
  11.  “Maybe we all have darkness inside us, and some of us are better at dealing with it.” My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga
  12. “I think depression is one way to cope with the world. Some people drink, do drugs, and are depressed. Because so much stuff is out there, you have to deal with it.” Ned Vizzini: A Kind of Funny Story
  13. “Not everything’s bad. Self-consciousness, isolation, incapacity to participate, bodily shame, and self-loathing are not all terrible. Those devils were my angels. Without them, I would never have disappeared into language, literature, the mind, laughing, and all the insane intensities that created and unmade me.” Fry Stephen
  14. “Depression is feeling like you’ve lost something but not knowing when or where. Later, you realize you lost yourself.” — Anonym
  15.  “Depression is viewed as melancholy. Depression is equated with tears. People say depression wears black. People are wrong. Depression is continual numbness. Numbness to life and feelings. Mornings are spent going back to bed.” — Anonym
  16. “Everyday is a retry.” — Anonym

funny quotes depression

  1. “I require one of those long hugs during which you momentarily forget about everything.” Marilyn Monroe
  2. “You’re not bad for trying to kill your sadness.” — Anonym
  3. “I’m lazy. I don’t want to start today since I’ll have to finish it.” R. R. Fangirl
  4. Never ask a depressed person why. Depression is like the weather—it’s not a straight response to a poor event. Fry, Stephen

    funny quotes depression
    funny quotes depression
  5. “I’m not better. Weight remains in my head. I feel like I could fall back into it, lie down and not eat, curse wasting my time, freak out at my homework, chill at Aaron’s, be jealous of Nia again, take the tube home and hope for an accident, get my bike, and go to the Brooklyn Bridge. All of that remains. Unfortunately, it’s not possible now. The possibility exists that I could become dust and spread over the universe as an omniscient awareness in an instant. The likelihood is low.” Ned Vizzini: A Kind of Funny Story
  6. “Mental wellness is as vital as physical fitness. People are hurting, and their families feel shame, which doesn’t help. One needs help and understanding. I’m starting a campaign to raise awareness and support people with anxiety and  depression.”Deepika Padukone
  7. “When I think I’ve overcome my depression, it silently returns after a few months. I didn’t request this fight. I hate knowing it keeps coming back.” — Anonym
  8.  “The worst crying wasn’t on street corners or tearing clothes. No, the worst was when your spirit cried and you couldn’t soothe it. Your surviving soul was scarred by a withered chunk. For Echo and me, our souls had more scar tissue than life.” ― Katie McGarry, Pushing Limits






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