HomeQuotes for life50 Best life with nature quotes

50 Best life with nature quotes

life with nature quotes

Even if I spell it “Nature,” I believe in God. According to Frank Lloyd Wright and others

Embrace nature as your sole lord. —René de Molay

Everything is done in due time by nature. —Lao Tzu

Embrace the beauty surrounding you; it’s everywhere if you appreciate nature. —Wilhelmine S. Casey

The soothing cycles of nature can be incredibly restorative with their reiterations of night and spring. –Rachel Carson

Hike instead of driving. “The principle of Pythagoras”

Embrace the changing seasons, breathe fresh air, sip the water, savor the fruit, and submit to nature’s power. —Henry David Thoreau


enjoy life with nature quotes

I seek solace and healing in nature, and it helps me to reorganize my senses. —John Burroughs

The forest’s allure to humans stems less from its aesthetic value and more from the ethereal quality of the air that wafts up from ancient trees and has a restorative effect on tired souls. Soprano Robert Louis Stevenson

“The natural world’s smiles are colors.” Says Leigh Hunt

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life with nature quotes

“Beautiful destinations are often reached through difficult roads.” I have no idea.

“The natural world, with its ever-changing landscapes, mountains, rivers, forests, and skies, imparts wisdom to some of us that surpasses that found in books.” Mr. Lubbock

In nature, each bloom represents a soul blossoming. As said by Gerard De Nerval.

“Being ourselves is always invited by everything in nature.” “Gretel Ehrlich said.”

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living life with nature quotes

“Experiencing a positive mood” — No idea

“Throughout the majority of human history, the survival of our species has been predicated on our inability to coexist peacefully with nature. However, only in this century are we starting to grasp the importance of taking action to preserve this precious resource.” Quoting Jacques-Yves Cousteau

“Fly to where you live the most.” — No idea.

“God is revealed through creation – the beauty of a sunset, the thunderous crash of a waterfall, the harmony of nature’s sounds deep within a forest, or the immensity of space with its incalculable starry sky.” — Sullivan, Benjamin.

“The color green is one of my favorites in nature.” I had no idea.

“Moving Towards the Hills” • — TRAINED

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life with nature quotes

happy life with nature quotes

“The sky is not only above us, but also beneath us.” Henry David Thoreau

Air, mountains, trees, and people all rushed at me, and I felt my lungs fill with air. I pondered, “This is the essence of joy.” As Sylvia Plath once described it:

“In times of trouble, I find comfort in being in nature,” the speaker said. — No idea

I seek out nature for peace, healing, and a reassuring sense of direction. This quote is from John Burroughs.

“It would be great if the world were twice the size and half of it remained uncharted,” he said. “David Attenborough”

“I am on my way into the wilderness.” — Jon Krakauer

The power of nature’s imagination surpasses humans; she will never let us unwind. Richard Feynman

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If there is one ultimate and all-encompassing reason to embark on an adventure, it is this: we are born with the desire to explore the world, soar to the stars, and dive to the bottom of the ocean. “A man is no longer man” when he stops engaging in these behaviors. — Wilton Noyce

You can be confident that nature’s way is the best if there is one that is better. The Stoic

Everywhere you look, there is beauty if you love nature that much. “The Master”—Van Gogh
“Those who desire to see flowers will always find them.” —Henri Matisse.

In nature, there is a perfect balance between imperfection and perfection. Trees can retain their beauty even when twisted and twisted in strange ways. -Lily Alice Walker

life with nature quotes
life with nature quotes

“The peace and serenity that comes from taking in nature’s splendor is a source of strength that will last a lifetime.” -Carter Rachel.
“Sunsets are a beautiful reminder that there are often lovely endings as well.” -Gloria Taplin.

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The finer points are where nature truly shines. -Noelle Angier

Being authentic is always encouraged by nature. Often, we resemble rivers in that we are both reckless and powerful, scared and dangerous, clear and murky, eddying and quiet.-the Ehrlich family

Embrace the rain’s kisses. May the rain descend upon you, showering you with sprinkles of silvery liquid. Allow the rain to serenade you.-It is the work of Langston Hughes.

Embrace the gentle wind caress in your hair and the sun’s warmth in your palms if you yearn to know the divine.- The Lotus Stra

Nothing refreshes like sitting in the shade on a beautiful day while gazing at verdant scenery.-The quote is from Jane Austen.- Wisdom.

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